Saturday, June 2, 2012

SIFF 2012 - Day 12: The First Dud

May 28, 2012
Eliminate: Archie Cookson
The trailer still looks funny.
Quick wit, bumbling spy, dry humor.
I saw this before, when it was called, 
Archie Cookson wasn't quite ripe yet.
It was a 30 minute idea ballooned into a 90 minute movie.

This movie actually was funny.

This guy runs complex computer algorithms to win at board games.  I'm glad scientists are working on the important problems: strategizing about games with no reading, minimal counting, and Gloppy the Molasses Monster.

Today's Photo: 

Outside the Egyptian Theater.
See all those little people in line?
Usually that means there's a good movie inside.
Not this time.

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