Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10, 2014

The Heat

Mortal Instruments: City of Bone

Another casualty of the fast forward button on the DVR.
It's something about angels, the Holy Grail (which Indy already put safely in a warehouse, and purifying bloodlines. 
There's some kind of portal. 
And every angel gets goofy looking tattoos.
I didn't get it at all.
That would make me feel old, except I don't hear any kids talking about this book series either.

The Heartbreak Kid

Awkward, cringe-inducing comedy can be hard to watch. 
It's got the same sensibility as Meet the Parents.
If you want to watch MORE bad things happen to Ben Stiller, this is your jam.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Marvel: Assembling A Universe

Addictive browser game that totally rips off Threes.
I created a strategy (through MUCH playtesting) where I never hit the up button. It keeps the twos on the top of the board, making it easier to match them to create larger numbers.

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