Friday, November 4, 2011

It Can't Be Called A Nap

October 30, 2011

Me at 3:00pm

Me at 7:00pm

Babies take naps. 
Old People take naps.
Why do we ever stop?

“Can You Believe ‘15’?”
While few NFL players seem to have a problem with Tebow on a personal level, I know plenty who are put off by the mythology and the holier-than-thou fan base that lionizes his every accomplishment and perceives negative depictions of his ability through a persecution-complex-tinted prism.
Watch Tebow get Tebowed

Why God Let Tebow Fail

Tebow Not Bothered By Celebrations

Background: Timothy Richard Tebow played football at University of Florida.  They are my archrival and he was very good at football, so naturally, I didn't like him.  He is a phenominal example of a human being, which in a strange way, made me dislike him more, because my feelings towards him were clearly irrational.  When he turned pro, I thought he would be no good, flunk out of the NFL, start some charity that would probably save the world and be out of my life.  When he was drafted, some people immediately said he would be the greatest quarterback ever, and some people thought he would be terrible. 

Objectively, his statistics are not good compared with other quarterbacks in the league, but he seems to excite his teammates and wins football games.  My real issue is probably with the people who like him and not Tebow himself.  Timmy seems like a very friendly, down-to-Earth, high-effort, gritty, quarterback who is the best teammate you could ever want.  My sour feelings towards him stem from three things:

1) People support him due to his public religious beliefs.  There are other players in the league with the same beliefs who do not receive such support.  Tebow had a 60 Minutes crew follow him to the Phillipines on a mission trip while he assisted with oral sugeries on underpriviledged children.  So his beliefs are just more public.

2) His fans are fervent and claim he is "good" despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Tebow's team was crushed this week and the Tebow apologists immediately tried to frame the game so the loss was not his fault.  Tebow has never been good in the NFL, so I can't see how people make claims that he's great.  I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.  In essence, I don't like the people who like Tebow.  Timothy seems like an ok dude.

3) He is a Florida Gator 

If the above three things ever stop being true, I will reconsider my stance on Timothy Richard Tebow.

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