Sunday, September 16, 2012

Reader Board Retro Logo

August 31, 2012

Seattle Bike Blog Bike Map
I'm not against bikers, they just need to realize they aren't cars.  
This map helps keep them away from me.  

Best Cat Video on the Internet
People got together at an art museum to figure this out.
Somebody has got to do the hard work.
You guys are the real heroes.

Opera On Tap from The Sun Break
Highly recommended.

Chuck Klosteman Makes Three NFL Rule Changes

Here's something I hate about myself: Whenever the NFL introduces a new rule, I'm automatically against it. My natural reaction to any change in the rule book is to assume it's wrong.1 And yet — despite this reflexive disagreement with every change made by other people — I annually find myself inventing potential rule changes that I'd undoubtedly be against if they were proposed by anyone who wasn't me.
Here are three rule changes that I would consider wrongheaded, except for the fact that I thought of them …
Today's Photo:

I changed our reader board message.
Check out that sweet logo in the upper left.

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