Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sleep Aide

August 22, 2012

Inappropriate Llama Disaster
Game for iOS.
It was built in 8 hours, but will give you 8 solid minutes of fun

ASP on Bunheads Finale
The finale was pretty weird. 
I wanted to set Michelle and Fanny back a notch. It’s no fun to watch people getting along. I have no interest in happy people. They can all bite my ass. I like the rest of the people who are grumbling and having problems and having breakdowns. Those are my peeps. At the very least I wanted to give people who have invested emotionally in this show a good wham-bam SLAM.

Oregon Surf Club
Sounds awesome.  
It's like a bunny slope for surfing.

Pitch Perfect Trailer
I'd like to pretend that I'm way too cool for this movie.
But I'm not.
Besides, it has my favorite Workaholic in it.

Grantland - Crushing It
About the relationships on the HBO drama, "The Newsroom"

How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Bunheads
Today's Photo:
I am attempting to get on a more regular sleep schedule. 
But sometimes additional help is needed.

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