Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Everything EXCEPT National Boards

Day 144 - February 27, 2011

I have nice weekend routine that works.  I see a movie before noon in Woodinville because it's empty, and the movies are six bucks.  I go frequently and the movies are cheap, so I talk myself into seeing things in theaters that I normally might avoid. Unknown seemed like a good idea at the time.  The trailer looked good, and while I was watching it, I was having a good time.  I walked out of the movie satisfied with my choice.

Then as I was leaving the theater, someone turned to their friend and said "wasn't that The Bourne Identity?".  It was like pulling at the loose string on a sweater.  The whole movie started to unravel.  A torrent of "Why didn't he just...?" and "Shouldn't he have...?" started to rush into my brain.  Pretty soon, I wasn't even sure I liked it anymore.  This graphic hit the nail on the head.

I was surprised by the Oscars.  Not really anything about them, but more the media backlash. I watched with my family and we had a good enough time.  We weren't expecting anything wildly entertaining.  We just wanted something quiet to do together on a Sunday night.  I couldn't understand why everyone hated it so much.  Could any of you host the Oscars?  No?  Then shut up about it.  This article did sum up a fun take on the night.

At my parents house, I was introduced to this. It's Hobbes' saline bag.  He's having kidney problems, has lost a lot of weight, and his appetite. I know it's been 16 years and something like this was bound to happen.  But it still makes me sad. 

It makes me think about Dammit (our other cat) and how he was getting insulin injections twice a day for his last few months and how horrible he must have felt.  I don't want anything like that to happen to Hobbes but I'm not excited about the alternative either. 

Frowny Face.

Oh, I had planned to use today to work on National Boards.
I almost did.

1 comment:

  1. Really sorry about Hobbes. I've been in that very place with K.C. Don't wait too long to take care of the inevitable. I should mention that although K.C. was skin and bones the day I had the vet come to the house, she had enough energy to bite me really hard when the vet gave her a shot to make her groggy.
