Sunday, March 6, 2011

Foursquare For Real

Day 148 - March 3, 2011

My Actual Boy Scout
Merit Badge Sash
This idea led to the following exchange:

Me: Foursquare badges are fake.  I want to make them real.
Justin:  Is this an idea for a business?
Me:  It could be.  But mostly not.  I just want them for me.
Justin:  How would you make the badges?
Me:  Magnets... or paper .... or something.
Justin:  Magnets?  Would they go on the fridge?
Me:  No, I want to carry them around with me.
Justin:  So, buttons or something?
Me:  Yeah, buttons.  Or I could make them out of cloth and sew them on a sash.
Justin:  Could you even do that?
Me:  I could learn.
Justin:  Would you wear the sash out in public?
Me:  No.  I would feel silly doing that.
Justin:  So you want to make a sash of badges that you'd only wear around the house?
Me:  Yes, I guess that's what I'm saying.

I already have more Foursquare Badges than Boy Scout Merit Badges.

We're going to need a bigger sash.

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