Sunday, February 5, 2012


January 31, 2012
We received terrible news right before school started.  
Our beloved security officer had passed away in his sleep.  
Everyone was sad today.

Alien Babies
We reacted copper and sulfur with heat to make copper sulfide.
We call these "alien babies" because they are not copper or sulfur, but a new substance.
Wait, how is that like an alien again?

Beaver Lake

Whoa, the ground is turbo soft.

Obviously, this is not Beaver Lake.
I found it on facebook, but it looks like it's from Thatcher Photography.


by Jay Kirk on GQ
A man was badly burned and experiencing excruciating pain.
Researchers developed a virtual reality video game about throwing snowballs.
When the man plays the game, he doesn't think about the pain.

You can either unload some emotional baggage or pick up someone else's issues.  
You help people by picking up their baggage and suggesting a song that you might listen to in a similar situation.

by Emily Rapp on The Rumpus

Support, salvation, transformation, life: this is what women give to one another when they are true friends, soul friends, what the Irish call anam cara. It’s what the Wrinklies did for one another, what the French resistance fighters in Auschwitz did for one another, what women do for one another in real relationships with real consequences in real time, every day, what my friends do for me. We help one another other live and sometimes, we watch – and help – one another die. It happens in movies, sure, but it also happens every day, in real life – now, tomorrow, yesterday. It is transformative and transcendent. It is real. It is love.

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