Monday, February 20, 2012

I Park On Public Streets

February 12, 2012
I park my car across the street from Bridle Trails.  
I don't like that parking lot for several reasons:
A) Potholes
B) Horse poop
C) Giant trucks won't see my tiny car
D) I'm afraid someone will close the gates and lock me inside.

As soon as I left my car there today, people in the house next door rushed out, apparently upset at my parking choice.  I saw no need to confront them as the car was parked legally and did not encroach on their property.  I did overhear them say "cheap" rather loudly in my general direction.

You are supposed to have a Discover Pass to park in the parking lot.
I have a Discover Pass.

I use the park, so of course I'm going to pay for the pass.
I just don't like parking in horse poop.


Kumail Nanjiani on Heavy Rain 

Chipotle Commercial

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