Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Smash Putt 2012: The Final Apocalypse

February 5, 2011

Double Loop de Loop.
Still only takes one stroke.

Scratch and Sniff Hole.
This hole did not comply with ADA guidelines.

Campfire. Grape Soda. Lightning? Mail Truck? Kerosene. Popcorn.

Shooting Gallery.
There was no hole in sight, but you got to shoot these cool cannons!

The Cataputt broke while we were using it.
We did not break the Cataputt.
That's an important distinction.

The Living Room Hole.
It's just a living room with shag carpet.
And a working Atari with Asteroids.

We survived!
Can't wait for next year's apocalypse!

Sunday Morning Live
Downton Abbey on Spike TV

Lana Del Ray Responds To Critics

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