Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bushwick Book Club: Watchmen

March 29, 2012

Bushwick Book Club is a group of people who read a book, and then write songs about that book.
This month's book: 
Watchmen is probably one of the best comics ever.

Songs tended to focus on Dr. Manahattan's blueness, what it's like to wear a mask, or sea shanties about the Black Freighter.

Ms. Particle Man
Like Ms. Pac Man looking for the Higgs-Boson Particle.

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Having A Career
by John Cheese on Cracked

Some of you will be lucky enough to get actual grownup careers right out of college. Others, like me, will merely have "jobs," punching time clocks and wearing mandatory work hats for a couple of decades until anything like a career comes along. I don't think the people in either situation are ready for it when it happens.
Because the difference between "job" and "career" is huge -- a career isn't just a job that pays more and doesn't require an apron. You work toward it your whole life, but there are no actual teachers to tell you what to do with the Road Runner when you finally have his skinny little leg in your fist. Do you eat him? Make a sweet pimp hat out of his feathers? Fuck his beak off? It turns out there are a whole lot of things people don't tell you about the career thing, like ...

#5 Everybody Demands Your Time

It was only a couple of years ago that I was working a physical labor job that kept me clinched tightly in the asshole of poverty while I tried to come up with new ways to convince myself that I had it all under control. But on the upside, my routines were pretty simple -- I worked, came home, relieved stress with games and beer, went to sleep ... rinse and repeat. Sometimes, I'd go back to work after a couple of days off and hear about some psychopath customer who threatened the workers and spin kicked a computer off of the counter. How they had to call the police, and it was just this huge fiasco, and "Man, you should have seen it."

But I didn't see it because I was off. And when you're off, work stays at work. That very idea is the difference between a career versus just working a job to pay the bills. I don't know exactly how far up it's located, but once you reach a certain rung on the work ladder, you will see the psycho, because you're the one they call when his feet turn into those little catapult switches in Portal 2 and start whipping computer monitors into space. At that level, there is no such thing as "work stays at work." For better or worse, your life is your work.

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