Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tricky Bronies

April 9, 2012
The Geeks Who Drink Trivia Team sends out weekly emails with the categories of the trivia quiz.  This week there were two categories that I needed to study.

It's Tricky

This is the name given to a male fan of the rebooted 
"My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic"
Yes, they have their own Wiki.
I crammed for an hour learning about all the different ponies, pegasuses, and unicorns, about cutie marks, and about the struggle to stop Nightmare Moon with the power of friendship.

All that time was wasted, because the category turned out to be about fraternities.

Thank God the other category was "It's Tricky", an obvious reference to Run DMC.
Except it wasn't about Run DMC

Jefferson Park Lawn Bowling Club

Guests are welcome to visit during any Open Bowling activity

Open Bowling activities are open to members, guests and the general public. All play is casual (no draw). We only request all bowlers wear smooth, flat-soled shoes to protect the greens.

BBQ & Bowls

Friday evenings in June, July and August
6:00 – 9:00 pm

Hosted by JPLBC members who will teach new bowlers how to get started playing the game. Guests are invited to bring their dinner and enjoy the game and the view. Barbecue grill is available. $5 greens fee suggested donation for non-members for each visit. No charge for members. Click here for more info.

Electrode Soccer:
The hosts can shock the leg of any player (essentially paralyzing the player) at any time.  
When does this league come to America?

Today's Picture:

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