Thursday, April 12, 2012

It Looks Like... Something

April 8, 2012

My family went crazy for this iOS game.

Also, I should get extra credit.
I was drawing on an iPhone and they were drawing on an iPad

Truth Like The Sun
By Jim Lynch
Review by Moira McDonald

Jim Lynch's addictive new novel is a tale of two cities, both of them Seattle — the brash 1962 home of the World's Fair, and the chastened 2001 edition, still in shock from the dot-com boom and bust. Told in chapters that alternate between the two eras, its prose reflects the two moods: 1962 sparkles like an old-time midway, crammed with celebrity cameos, souvenir Champagne glasses and fast-talking men in hats; 2001 feels reflective and a little world-weary, a city once bitten and now twice shy.
Connecting the two eras is one (fictitious) character: Roger Morgan, the glad-handing young dreamer who masterminded the World's Fair — and, nearly 40 years later, decides to run for mayor of the city. (Placards waved by student supporters read "Vote for the Old Guy!") Helen Gulanos, a new-in-town reporter at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, is working on an obligatory 40-years-since-the-World's-Fair story, and soon finds herself investigating Morgan's colorful past.

Blowing Up Baseball's Most Dangerous Stat
by Jonah Kerri

If you're an Indians fan still rattled by Thursday's disaster, or just a baseball fan sick of suboptimal decisions resulting in painful losses, the man to blame is a late Chicago sportswriter named Jerome Holtzman. Fifty-three years ago, in an effort to shift more recognition unto underappreciated relief pitchers, Holtzman invented the save statistic. Today, that invention is responsible for far more unintended consequences, and far more heartache, than Holtzman could have ever intended. Bloody battles are fought over the ill-begotten riches that saves bestow on those who can get them. Managers lose games for their teams by getting seduced by saves. Pitchers who fail in save situations get labeled as gutless pariahs.
It needs to end now. It's time to kill the save, send it to hell, and strand it there for eternity.

First Aid Kit - Emmylou

All Songs Considered 2011 Review 

Yes I finally got to 2011's best songs.

Alabama Shakes - Hold On

Cults - Adbucted

Beyonce - Countdown

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