Friday, August 3, 2012

Two In A Row

July 25, 2012

These are women who are/were professional cheerleaders who also love science.
One network describes them by saying:
"Who says science and cheerleading can’t co-exist? Nobody, that’s who, and certainly not the members of the Science Cheerleaders. These are some seriously powerful women, who have lent their minds to fields in science and engineering. Oh, and somewhere along the way, they were cheerleaders too. So what? Can’t a lady contemplate string theory while dancing her pom-poms off?”"
When not profiling their various members, they are breaking down the physics of the Olympics.

Today's Photos
Golf at Willows - Coyote Creek

Morning golf is where it's at.
It's cheaper, less crowded, and fewer singles join the group.
I also shot another par by driving a 5-wood on a 120yd par 3.
Then I lag putted from 40 feet and sank the gimmie.
Oh, I'm sorry. 
Is all my fancy golf talk confusing you?
Don't worry. I still have moments where I swing five times to get out of a sand trap.
You don't have to know golf at all to know that five is too many swings.

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