Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 266 - Greenwood

June 30, 2011
Though they have tons of cool stuff necessary for proper interstellar adventures including info on planets, space travel preparedness, and personal defense armaments.  
Each 826 store is themed differently with all these crazy products that fit the theme (and raise money for the writing charity)
I found this book:

which lists many of the products they have at all of the different 826 stores around the country.

Right across the street from 826.
They have really good coffee.
This is where I started to put in some work on "The Passage" by Justin Cronin
I'm only 11% done, but it's really picking up steam.

My First Badge In Months!!!
Clearly, I need to readjust my priorities and make a stronger effort towards earning badges.
My day to day routines are just not cutting it anymore.
Don't even bother trying to use that code.  

You couldn't make this up if you tried.  Mark is still working with Marwencol and has a whole website designed to support the town


Yes, you’ve seen Rube Goldberg machines before.   But this one is impressive and does self-promotion. 

College freshman are horrible writers because they can’t be asked to practice.  Practicing something that isn’t fun would cause them to disengage.  How apathetic can you get?

You can post a project you want sponsored and people can donate to it.  It’s like kickstarter for classrooms

From New Yorker
An easy choice if it’s between yearbooks or my job.

Get it together. 

It’s a fake story from the Onion.  
But maybe it's not fake enough.

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