Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 271 - Starbucks Clean Up

July 5, 2011
Starbucks Community Service organized an event around Lake Union to pick up the parks.
Participants received this awesome swag.
At the registration tent, they had a selection of breakfast pastries and coffee.
(What kind of coffee did they serve? Tully's?  Ladro?  -Justin Joke)
Either there wasn't that much garbage, or they handed out trash bags that were way too large.  I found a ton of cigarette butts, but people were bringing back entire bags overflowing with garbage.  I only share this picture to prove that I did something.
The area around the Center for Wooden Boats is great.

And we got a free lunch too!

Oh, and I got three new badges.

A 14,000 voice choir!!
From Grantland
When Felix Hernandez pitches, we have one of the best cheering sections on the planet.

I’m pretty sure he’s joking.
Pretty sure.

Yep.  The best imaginary radio shows have book clubs.  Rawr.

Explains things pretty well.  I came across the report due to a Josh Lyman tweet.  A fictional character from a ten year old TV show helped me learn about debt limits.  
We live in strange times.

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