Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 275 - Not Shoe Glue. SUPER Glue.

July 9, 2011

If you laugh at the trailer, you'll laugh at the movie.  And they do make the point that being sexually harassed by Jennifer Aniston is not quite the same as dealing with the other two bosses.

In other news, I fixed my shoe with super glue.  
To be honest, it was just a little bit terrifying.  
Super glue is permanent and very sticky.  
What if some of it got on me?
Shoe fixed.  
Nerves shaken but fingers still separate.
Overall? Win.


An awesome listing of whatever is going on in the city.  
No, seriously, you need to bookmark this.

From The Stranger

From Roger Ebert
Totally nerfing the classics.

From Deadspin

Look at All These Science Blogs
From Boing Boing
The Scientific American Blogs are the main point of the article, but I didn't know about the other ones either.

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