Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 284 - An Argument Against Editing

July 18, 2011

This post of "A Year in 3,059 Photos" struck me for three reasons:
1) That's a ton of photos.
2) There seem to be 10 photos for every event.
3) Several of the photos are completely mundane.
There are pictures of ketchup bottles, trees, and lots of pets. But after watching the slide show, I feel like I know this person pretty well.  So maybe every picture doesn't have to be great, because when it's combined with 3,058 other pictures, you get the whole story.
So these are photos that didn't fit other places:

This is fun.  Maybe I'll take photo dumps more often. 
(There HAS to be a better way to say that.)


Not meant as a joke.  One man’s moving account of how humanity connected is God.

From NPR
Playing Friday at Capitol Hill Block Party

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