Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 268 - A Vineyard Has Bloomed On My Counter

July 2, 2011

Yep, still playing 17 year old Super Nintendo games.  
It's not my fault the medium may have peaked in the mid 1990's

"Karate is the Dane Cook of martial arts."

Soccer Table
Looking good so far.  
We just need to take care of our business.  
Can't worry about the haterz.

Oh, I'm sorry.  I got these for me.
Did you want some too?

And they play LONG shows.

Parker breaks down why this is a horrible idea.

They choose a book every month and then make songs inspired by the book.  
Sounds really cool.

by Thomas Lennon and Ben Garrant
And their website

By Zooey Deschanel

"You don't have to be smart to laugh at farts, but you'd have to be stupid not to."

How can I make these into buttons?  Or Magnets?  Who knows how to do this?

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