Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 269 - Transforminator Robot Explosions

July 3, 2011
My name is eRic.  I am FOUR years old.  
today i saw the Transformers movie with my brofer.
and there were blow ups.
lots and lots and lots and lots and LOTS of blow up explosions.
And this one time, I thought the meany-head robots were going to win, 
but then they didn't and the nice robots won instead, so everybody was happy.
Some people didn't like it, but they are poopey
Transformers is my favorite movie EVER!!!

(until i see wizard harry 72
Speaking of Harry, some theaters are doing a special midnight release with Harry Potter 7 parts 1 and 2


 from Seattlest

 Starbucks is sponsoring cleanups around Lake Union.
Do I spy a free T-Shirt?

At least something positive might come out of the NBA Lockout.

Via GQ
At Permian, where the book "Friday Night Lights" took place.

I love Martina.

Oh yeah!? 
We’re turning 235 tomorrow.  
Eat that, nerds!!

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