Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Luxurious New Room

October, 1, 2012
Elmo too!

Running teaches all of us that goal-setting, persistence and tackling one mile at a time can lead to unimaginable achievements. Lessons are learned on the road, day by day, from personal feedback and experience.
As Dr. Jeff Brown, a Harvard psychologist and an author of “The Winner’s Brain,” said: “Negotiating a marathon requires many of the same mental characteristics needed in life. You have to control your emotions at times, activate your motivation when you’re down, and develop resiliency in the face of difficult conditions.”
Or as Oprah Winfrey put it after completing the 1994 Marine Corps Marathon in 4:29:20, “Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it.”

This week, California took a big step forward in the march toward online education. Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a proposal to create a website that will allow students to download digital versions of popular textbooks for free.
The new legislation encompasses two bills: One, a proposal for the state to fund 50 open-source digital textbooks, targeted to lower-division courses, which will be produced by California's universities. (Students will be able to download these books for free or pay $20 for hard copies.) The other bill is a proposal to establish a California Digital Open Source Library to host those books.

from Seattle Met
One of the highest summits in the state that can be hiked, 8,242-foot Tiffany Mountain teeters on the eastern edge of the North Cascades and commands far--reaching views, from the craggy Cascade Crest to the sprawling Columbia Plateau. The trail starts at 6,500 feet, traversing pine groves and stands of golden larches, on its way to windswept alpine tundra. At 2.5 miles, turn left at a junction and head up slopes of swaying golden grasses to Tiffany’s wide-open summit. To the north it’s a panorama of Pasayten Wilderness peaks and BC’s hulking Snowy Mountain. South, waves of emerald ridges streaked by gold larches fade into the distance. To the east the Okanogan Highlands yield to the sun-kissed Columbia Plateau. And west: the snowcapped North Cascades. 

Today's Photo:

So... I live here for a few weeks.

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