Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rockband. Melting Faces. Warming Houses.

September 15, 2012

The best art stays with you. It makes you think, makes you question your place in the world.
The finale of Bachelor Pad was just that ... art. I’m still talking about it and I still don’t know how I feel about it. If you didn’t see the show, or read Lisanti’s homage, you’re in luck — because I am about to hash out my feelings about what occurred right here and now. 

And when he spotted something fishy about the way the player consulted his personal digital assistant, Getty moved in for a closer look. After Moore's 28th move, Getty halted the match and asked Smiley to show him the PDA. Smiley pulled away and turned off his device, says Getty, but after several uncomfortable seconds he handed it over without saying a word.
Getty fired up the Dell again, and no score sheet appeared. Instead, a screen popped up for a program from the Fritz line of so-called "chess engines." These are super-smart, user-friendly apps able to analyze the positions of all pieces on the chessboard and consider millions of possible outcomes in a matter of nanoseconds before suggesting the best next move. By pushing all the right buttons on a good chess engine, any Kardashian sister could conceivably checkmate Fischer.

with Billy Bob Thornton
We found this movie on VHS at Mt. St. Helens.
It involves dynamite, zombies, and a bus full of blind orphans.
Not bad.

Today's Photos:


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