Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can't Hear You Over The Sound Of The Clippers.

Day 119 - February 1, 2011

Rudy's in Bellevue.  I usually go to a chain like Supercuts or Great Clips.  But I was planning to go to Cupcake Royale anyway, so I was going to try Rudy's.  I like that they have a Pac-Man machine.  And I like that my haircutter (Ashley?) was talkative and personable.  But I think the garage decor swallows up the sound and when that is paid so while she was telling me a story about her new landlord and something about pet fees, I only heard about every 3rd word.  Not wanting to be a bad listener, I tried to smile and nod best I could.  But I was unable to be very sympathetic to her plight only knowing one-third of the story.

It's not quite as bad as when my dentist wants to start a conversation, but it's pretty close. 

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