Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lamb and Turkey. One You Eat. The Other EATS YOU!!!

Day 122 - February 4, 2011

Lunchbox Laboratory opened in Nick's building in South Lake Union.  And it's also his birthday.  Seems like a natural fit.  The menu has been streamlined for the opening but we've been promised that the giant chalkboard will be operating soon.  I was disappointed they didn't have the Dork (Duck and Pork) but the Lamb was excellent.

  Oh, and Tessa is not pouting.  She's making a kissy face.

Nick wanted to watch ridiculous movies for his birthday.  This is "Thankskilling".  A cursed, wise-cracking turkey reanimates after a dog pees on his grave.  After being dormant for 505 years (which would set the movie in 2125) the turkey begins to wreak havoc by... dressing up in a disguise to have tea with the local sheriff, who's also in a turkey disguise.  The killer turkey had sex with a few people (what?) before he killed them and met his demise in a dumpster of toxic waste and fireworks.

It doesn't take much to get a movie on Netflix these days.

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