Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mariner Fan Fest

January 26, 2013
In Ballard
Unless you live in L.A., this is a perfect storm of schadenfreude. The Lakers are the Yankees of basketball, universally loathed by everyone who's not a fan. Their team is full of unlikable stars, from the whiny, petulant Howard to the possible rapist Kobe Bryant (yeah, I went there). To watch them implode in such spectacular fashion, culminating in Wednesday's team meeting where Howard reportedly would not respond to Kobe's direct criticism, is way better than sneering at the apparent naiveté of a 21-year-old.
Today's Photos:
It looks like they're hugging.
Which one is the pitcher?
They look so similar.
I LOVE mascots.
Just off first base.
In the visitor dugout.
Jack Zduriencik
Mariners GM
Definitely not an idiot.
This is a player.
We had no clue which one.

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