Wednesday, January 2, 2013

MOHAI's New Home

December 29, 2012
"The Armory...has moments of breathtaking grace, but it also has kitsch. They come together under the surprising rubric that an armory—the ultimate in utilitarian, military structures—should be stylized at all. It's almost as if it knew its better future was as a museum. Evolution is full of stories like these, when things become what they are, rather than being born that way. There are lessons there, about how to read and live and learn history, for us to find."
New York Times Looks at MOHAI
"But the spirit of the place is strong, its stance vigorous, its imagination fertile. It is Seattle in an alluring self-portrait."
25 Things to do Before You're 25
In Next Scene: A Dark Cloud Lifts
Story about Declan Sullivan, who fell from a lift while filming Notre Dame football. Tragic but strangely uplifting article.
Today's Photos:
MOHAI has: the hydroplane that broke the speed record,
one of Boeing's first airplanes,
the Ivar's Clams,
the walking Rainiers,
the Lincoln Toe-Truck, and
the sign from the first Starbucks. 
99 bottles of (local craft) beers on the wall.
Fondly remembered, but good ridence.

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