Thursday, January 17, 2013


January 8, 2013
People are stealing Tide, and using it to pay for weed and crack.
I couldn't make this up if I tried.
Involving empty pools, double exposures, and high speed water.
A perfectly normal guy gets rid of everything he owns, changes his name, says goodbye to his friends — and begins walking. In the name of peace. And Honduran government officials try to heal their corrupt country by starting a perfect city, from scratch. For the new year, we bring you stories about how far some people go in hopes of a better life.    
Tim Burton, Kathryn Bigelow, Martin Scorsese...
Today's Photo:
About 50 kids showed up to our basketball game to cheer on the team.  They were fun and very supportive.
Our own Squad 6 even decorated our locker room.

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