Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 188 - Why Am I So Tired? The Field Is So Small!!

April 11, 2011

Thank you, Heather for convincing me to join an Indoor Soccer team.  After some confusion regarding our free agency status, We were signed to a one game tender with the Green Team. Being the new guy, the team innocently asked me if I wanted to play Midfield.  Sure.  Sounds fun, but it's also the most running on the team.  Playing Mid means running sprints every minute you're on the field.  I think the team knew that when they asked me.  

Bonus fact.  Even though I played organized soccer throughout elementary school, I have never scored a goal... until now!! (Humblebrag, again?)

And even after playing the most physically demanding position, and scoring one of our three goals (I'm told that's not very many), I wasn't invited back to join the squad.  The team already had enough guys and didn't have any spot open for new people.  
I'm sure later in the season, I could have done something like this. 

Your loss Green Team.  
Say goodbye to one-third of your goals.  

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