Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 189 - "If You Ain't Outta Control, You Ain't In Control."

April 12, 2011

Life Lesson:  If the Yakuza are ever out to kill you, challenge one of their nephews to a drift race down a mountain.  If you win, they will let you live because you've earned their respect... or something.
Plus, drifting just looks cool. But this movie is more than just flash.  There's some pretty deep stuff in here too.
There's an old saying: "For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost.  For want of a horseshoe, the steed was lost.  For want of a steed, the message was not delivered.  For want of an undelivered message, the war was lost"

Surprisingly deep.
And Mom made dinner.  Thanks, Mom

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