Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 185 - It's Easy If You Swallow Your Pride

April 8, 2011

If you're willing to start slow, do a little internet research, and completely set aside your ego, you can do anything.  (Seriously, this website was super helpful.)

It must have been "Lil' Shredders" day because there were TONS of little kids on the mountain.  And every single one of them looked like they were born on skis.  At first, I was secretly angry at them because they were making me look bad.  But as I sat in the snow like an inverted turtle, the kids smiled and waved as they whizzed past.  Can't be mad at that.  

Though I didn't get off the beginner slope (or as they mockingly call it at Crystal Mountain: "Discovery"), I did make it from chair lift loading to the bottom without falling.  
I'm sure I'll be doing things like this soon:
  Snowboard WIN!!!

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