Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 341 - Another Great Idea Foiled By The District

September 13, 2011

It was curriculum night for my old school and the lunch crew was getting together for dinner.  My shutter shyness got the better of me even though they probably would have been cool with it.  They were all dressed up for curriculum night, this would have been the best time to take a picture, right?  

But after I left I thought "Shoot, I didn't take a picture.  What should I do instead?".  I thought about our Communicator avatars and how cool it might look to have everyone's avatar at dinner.  

But then I tried to use Communicator to access their sites and see their avatars.  Of course, Communicator didn't work.   Something about me not having permission.  Heaven forbid I should be able to collaborate with colleagues at other buildings.  We certainly wouldn't want to encourage that.

So I'm eating dinner alone. 
With my basketball and my dragon.


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