Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 337 - No Flash Allowed

September 9, 2011

Morning practice is so early, I need Starbucks to get me going.  Venti iced coffee, no room, no sweeter (In case you were curious).  I'm getting to Starbucks so early, I earned the "Midnight Munchies" badge from Foursquare.

5:30am is too early for Foursquare to register that time as a new day.  Foursquare thinks "No weirdo would be starting his day now, he must still be partying!  Awesome!  Give him a badge!".  
So when I'm driving to work, the cool kids haven't gone to bed yet.  

When we do go out, we meet at 8:00pm.  While it's still light outside.  And the night ends around 10:30.  Because we all have adult jobs and are used to getting up early.

I was told I could not use a flash in these photos.  That's why they're so dark.  Sorry.

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