Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 346 - A Real Human Being, And A Real Hero

September 18, 2011
Great movie.  The story I've heard is that the director and Ryan Gosling met about the movie and decided it might not be for them.  Then Gosling gave the director a ride home.  So they're driving through the deserted streets of LA at night, listening to 80's synth music.  And they agreed that this is what the movie is about.  A guy cruising around and night trying to feel something.

Don't get me wrong, the movie is jarringly violent.  I found myself covering my eyes during certain scenes.  
But this movie is so good.

And I got out of the house on a RedZone Sunday.
The NFL will be a part of my life.
The NFL will not control my life.


Yeah, the Joker is still ALONE with all the rich people!

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