Friday, January 20, 2012

Netflix Instant Conquers Blizzards

January 16, 2012
Snow trapped me at my parents' house last night. 
Today was about getting home, getting warm, and staying entertained. 
Everything here is 100% recommended:
(but viewer discretion is advised)

SNL - You Can Do Anything

Win Win


The League

by David Haglund on Slate
On Sunday, The Washington Post published a storyon the supposed decline in “self-esteem boosting.” According to the piece, “an increasing number of teachers are weaning themselves from what some call empty praise.”
Drawing on psychology and brain research, these educators aim to articulate a more precise, and scientific, vocabulary for praise that will push children to work through mistakes and take on more challenging assignments.
If you stayed up the night before to watchSaturday Night Live, the story may have seemed weirdly serendipitous: One of the better sketches from the episode (destined to be remembered for its nervous musical guest) was called “You Can Do Anything.” That’s the name of a fictional talk show “that celebrates the incredibly high self-esteem of the YouTube generation.”
As one of the show’s co-hosts, played by Bill Hader, explains, “thanks to technology and everyone being huge pussies about everything, it doesn’t matter if you have skills, training, or years of experience: You can do it.”
Stefon Has A Yelp Page

Downton Abbey Recap  Hello Giggles
(Don't sleep on this either)

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