Sunday, January 29, 2012

Armasleddin' 3: Who Left The Fridge Open?

January 20, 2012
Even though people were out driving in the snow today, I didn't have anywhere pressing to be.  
After all these days off, work will be a relief. 
 Until I get to work, then I'm sure I'll want to go home.

Here's what happened around the house today:
Legend of Zelda:
Skyward Sword
Skyward Sword marks the 25th anniversary for The Legend of Zelda.  

25 years.  

Why do they still force me to go through a tutorial?
Characters in the game tell you the most basic information.

"Hey Link! Did you know you can move with the stick?"

"Hey Link! I hear swords are sharp. Maybe your sword could cut things?"

"Hey Link! That water looks wet. It would be hard to breathe underwater, don't you think?"

I just want to slice up monsters and rescue Princess Zelda.
Is that too much to ask?

Made it out of the house today too.
These are pictures of my triumph.

The worst part of the drive was trying to park.

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