Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 359 - Plans Change (Keep Perspective)

October 1, 2011
I cannot recommend this movie enough.  If you see it, bring tissues and know you'll have five minutes at the end to get yourself back together.  You'll need those five minutes.

Somehow over the course of the night we downgraded our plans from:
1) Bringing the whole posse out and ripping up Ballard
2) Bringing half the posse and mildly assaulting Ballard
3) Meeting half the posse for a quiet night in the U District
4) Giving half the posse a ride back to Redmond
5) Grabbing a quick drink at the Matador
6) Grabbing a quick drink in the back room at Palmer's as we got stabbed with pool cues

If I had known that was how the night would end, I would have planned differently.
I don't lace up my Chuck's to go to Redmond.

50/50 Review
From Slate

Watch this clip and try not to like these guys.  
You can't do it.

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