Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 363 - So Meta

October 5, 2011
Blogging takes time.  I can usually only sit down to write once a week, and even then I constantly have to break up the time by doing other things.  Sometimes I leave posts half finished for a day or two, or get a few weeks behind.  

Blogging about writing a blog is super meta.  As much as this blog as morphed into me sharing about my day (and today I just caught up with a handful of posts), I would like to avoid the snooze-a-paloosa of writing about my process.  
Let's pick something else...

Shadow of the Colossus
(Give the video a minute or so to get cooking)
Shadow of the Colossus is a rather difficult game to review for a couple very important reasons. First, it's hard to talk about the game without spoiling anything, something I'm going to attempt to avoid doing as much as possible. Secondly, trying to describe exactly what makes Shadow of the Colossus so fantastic is akin to trying to describe why the bodies of work of Picasso, Bach or Beethoven are unquestioned classics; you can do your best, but any of these examples must be experienced in full to truly be understood, and especially appreciated.
What isn't difficult, however, is stating that not only is Shadow of the Colossus an absolute must-play experience, but one of the most important games you'll come across anytime soon. Shadow is a true work of art, the likes of which we've only seen approached by a very, very small number of games. The closest thing that comes to mind is ICO, the studio's spiritual precursor to Shadow.

So, the game is pretty cool.


Jimmy Fallon tweeted about this because he was excited KEXP lets the DJs choose the music.  That shouldn’t be remarkable.  But it is. They are also counting down their 500 greatest songs of all time.

KenJen says we are living in a golden age of maps.  He would know.  He’s pretty smart.

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