Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 200 - Shorts Weather

April 23, 2011

Hitting a golf ball seems like it should be easy.  The ball isn't moving.   Some of the clubs are way bigger than the ball.   You get to stand on solid ground while you're swinging.  It seems like I should be halfway decent at this sport.  
So why do I suck so bad at golf? 
I think my struggles with softball explain my difficulty with golf.  Sure, I can hit a baseball or a tennis ball, but softball and golf are just different enough that none of the skills really translate.  At least not for me.  That's why I scored a major victory today at the Redwoods Driving Range when I consistently got the ball airborne.  I can finally get my ball over water hazards and play on big kid courses without windmills and clowns.  Though I would totally play on a full size golf course with windmills and clowns.  
That sounds dope.
In non-related news, there's a new Uwajimaya in Bellevue.  As part of their grand opening sale, they were giving out deals like crazy.  You want that crazy, fizzy marble soda?  They got that.    
Even the bag is great.
The best item I found was a Super Mario Bros. Chocolate Egg.  You cracked the egg and inside was one of 12 mini-figurines.  As I looked at the list I thought, "All those are so cool.  Mario.  Yoshi.  Koopa Kids.  Mecha Koopa... Wait, what the hell is that rat thing?  Anything else is great, but that rat thing is stupid."

Thank you Mario, but our good toys are in another castle.

In other news, for the first Indoor game of the season, I played Goalkeeper.  
Which I don't really know how to do. 
 Let's just say this, I've seen Kasey Keller play, but I can't do what he does... yet.
Needless to say, we were behind when time ran out.  
And I couldn't get many stats playing Keeper.
House Team In The House!!!     0-1    Pts. 0

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