Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 239 - Let's Go Canuckleheads!!

June 1, 2011
Stanley Cup Finals Game 1
Just in case you somehow aren't a Canucks fan, here's what you need to get started:

This explains the basics including Don Cherry and The Green Men.

I'm not jinxing it.
I'm just saying it's a cool tradition that whoever wins the cup gets to do whatever they want with it for a day.
The cup has been to a strip club and to the bottom of Mario Lemieux's pool.

As evidenced by this article from Deadspin about:

The Canucks Fan Who Drove 1,000 Miles For A Game, Partied With The Owner, Drank With Beautiful Women, Nearly Died, And Got Comped For Game 5

Umm... that's not cool.

5) Unofficial Canuck Anthem By A Member Of "Loverboy"
Actually, that's not cool either.Why did we need this?

Oh, and we had a potluck lunch today at school to celebrate Tonya's birthday
It has nothing to do with the Canucks.  
But it was delicious.

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