Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 249 - Scheduling Miracle

June 11, 2011
Surprisingly, none of these activities conflicted.
They managed to fit neatly in one day.
I have no clue how it happened.

Super 8
Did you like "Stand By Me"?
Did you like "E.T."?
Did you like "Goonies"?
If you said yes to any of the above, you will like "Super 8"

Paintball at Eastside Paintball
There were definitely some nerves before the session started.
Those guns look like they mean business!
Here we are clean:
And here we are after:
(Though we have already cleaned up a TON!)
Paintball is exhausting!
You are constantly crouching, popping out, going prone...
But it's totally worth it because Paintball is a blast.
Look at that stance!  I look legit.
All those hours playing Call of Duty finally pay off!

Thank Goodness I played Keeper this week.
I could only move about 10 feet in any direction.
I didn't even have many shots to stop because our defense was phenomenal.
MVP's goes to our ladies for playing the full game with no subs.

I arrived at Qwest just after kickoff
It was really strange to see this part of the field empty.
I've never been to a game where this place isn't packed.  

This game had one of the craziest sequences I've ever seen.  
Three goals in the final nine minutes?!?!
What a crazy roller coaster of emotions.
And then this goal to cap it off:
Frowny Face.

Post-Match to drown our sorrows.
Having never been here before, I was underwhelmed.
But they had a good Sounders crowd in a different location. 
(South of the Stadiums)
And the drinks were expensive!

Hooverville is not as good as Triangle Pub.
(Triangle Pub remains my favorite by a mile)

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