Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 257 - Carnival Day

June 20, 2011
Our Carnival today was AWESOME!!!
Great Idea #1 - Give the kids a map and a powerpoint to explain all the events.
Kids were so excited before the carnival even started.

Great Idea #2 - Use punchcards to encourage the kids to try different events. 
Every event used a different punch so kids couldn't cheat.
After 3 punches, kids could get cotton candy or a sno-cone.
After 7 punches, kids got a bag of candy.

Great Idea #3 - Let Me DJ

DJ ScrizzleScratch in the HOUSE!!
Wait, on second thought, don't call me that.
I need a killer DJ name.
And remind me never to play Dubstep again.
Great Idea #4 - My classes chose to watch the 1986 animated Transformers Movie instead of a Pixar film. 

Trivia Night at Greenlake Bar and Grill
I did not choose our team name.

Nor can I take credit for this impressive graphical representation.

A listing of outdoor movies in and around Seattle.
The dream has not been realized yet.  But this kickstarter page could give us a chance to see a Ronnie and Sammie love ballad.
The mysterious Pottermore site could be anything. 
These lists help me find new music, but everyone has a list, so take it with a grain of salt.
Zooey Deschanel helped start this humor site for girls. 
Seems fun, but I know I'm not the target audience.
Can we get a female opinion on this?

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