Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 255 - Sports Night

June 18, 2011
Sports Night
The show Aaron Sorkin did before West Wing.
The whole series is on Netflix streaming. 
I'll be busy for a while.
Sorkin stopped writing this show so he could focus on West Wing, though it's clear he used many of the same ideas on both shows.

Sip and Sit
I attended a Sip and Sit Party.
This is a new thing for babies. 
 I guess it's an open house with a fancier name and a baby.  

Linkage in descending order of ridiculousness:
Jon Stewart talks with Chris Wallace.  
There's no crazy aftermath like when Jon Stewart was on Crossfire 
(which led to the cancellation of that show)

Always funny and insightful.
I like his story about his missing diploma.
He had an incomplete class and nobody told him until graduation.
I feel like that will happen in our school district soon

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