Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 291 - Oblivion

July 25, 2011
Um... yeah, it's a fantasy, role-playing, epic.  One step removed from foam sword fighting in the park.  I don't see how this is any weirder than Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings. 
Oblivion is great because you can play the game in your own distinct style.  You can make a burly swordsman, or a stealthy thief.  My character would focus on magic, so I modeled her after the best witch at Hogwarts:
Hermione Granger.  
(Ron was never great at magic and Harry only excels at fighting Voldemort, who is not in this game.  I considered Neville Longbottom as well.)
Hermione learned many of the spells from the books.  Wingardium Leviosa and Expeliarmus are not pictured.  I'm only realizing now that "Finger of the Mountain" and "Minor Latch Crack" sound odd when out of context.  I did not name those spells.
I was very morally conflicted about having Hermione learn Crucio.  I know it is an unforgivable curse but I needed an offensive spell and it was the only thing that worked.  You really think "Stupify" is going to bring down some demonic hellspawn?  
Come on.

From HG
Seems appropriate.

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