Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 310 - King's Court

August 13, 2011

The rare Seattle Sports Doubleheader
Bottom line.  We need to make penalty kicks.  We at least have to put the shot on frame and force the keeper to make a save.  No room to complain about penalties not given.  We had our chance.

Pike Place Market
You want to eat well?  Hit up Mee Sum Pastry for BBQ Pork Hombows.  Then rock the Beef and Cheese at Piroshky Piroshky.  Anthony Bourdain recommends it.  He would tell you if it sucked.  (And most episodes of "No Reservations" are on Netflix Streaming.  Dopeness.)

National Anthem performed by Anne Akiko Meyers on a Stradivarius Violin.

The King's Court is normally down by the left field foul pole.  But because the Red Sox were in town, all the Boston fans come out of the woodwork.  Several fans mentioned how much they love the section, but missed us on the lower deck.  They said the whole stadium feeds off our energy.  Also, these seats were $15, which included the seats, shirts, and "K" signs.

You see how "Felix" is written in the crown?

And we were lead by this guy.  
Felix only struck out two, but we won a close one.

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