Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 296 - Children's Theater Is Still Culture, Right?

July 30, 2011

Here's the deal.  It was a beautiful day outside.  This play was recommended by Seattlist.  I knew it was a family show, which meant it was aimed a little kids.  But I like Disney movies, so this can't be that different, right?

Yes and No.  There were some funny jokes.  The Shark knew how to speak Flutter (Butterfly Language) because she spent "A year abroad in college".  And the Shark CONSTANTLY brought up how cultured she was because she spent "A year abroad in college".  That's funny.  And the T-Rex was powered by farts.  Which is inarguably funny.  Ok, now that I think about it, it was a really cute show.  But the sad part is that neither the adults nor the kids seemed to get it.  

I had a great time because I stopped at Gyro World prior to the show and enjoyed some of their crack fries.  I ate them way too quick to get a picture.  Sorry.

Volunteer Park is pretty.

Speaking of kids...
From AP
It's easy to condemn them.  But if everyone around me was doing it, I imagine it would be easy to be sucked in.  I wish that wasn't true, but it probably is.

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